Winterize a Vacant Home

Preparing your plumbing for the winter is a wise alternative to frozen pipes. Turn off the water to your home using the main shut-off… When your pipes freeze from the water still in them call Clear Drain to come replace all your lines. Tip #1 if winterizing your home call Clear Drain. Tip #2 if trying yourself refer to Tip #1.

Kitchen Drain Clogs

You don’t appreciate a clean drain until you don’t have one! Usually, kitchen sink drains clog because of a build-up of grease over time. A couple times a month drain a full sink of hot water along with the hot water faucet running for five minutes to help melt the grease and keep your sink from clogging.


Weak or changing water pressure usually points to a mineral buildup in the showerhead. Clean the outlet holes with a pin or unscrew the faceplate and soak it overnight in vinegar or CLR. Scrub it clean before replacing it on the showerhead.

Water Moisture in the Home

Make sure that vents (with a ventilating fan) are installed in your kitchen and baths and they are not turned on! Double check to make sure screws and nails in the bathrooms and in the room adjacent to the bathrooms are not in the venting or soil stack as they will cause leaking. Stacks are generally located directly behind your toilet. Loose toilets are a mature cause of moisture problems, lifting your toilet and replacing the wax seal and toilet flange will most often fix this problem.


To prevent mildew ventilate basements or run dehumidifiers to dry the air, walls and furnishings. Don’t hang wet clothes in your closets. Keep your showers and tubs clean of soap-scum so that they dry quicker. Replace the caulking every 1-2 years with a mildew free caulking for kitchens and bathrooms. Air-out your bathroom cabinets and under kitchen sink…


Use cold water when the garburator is operating. You can clean your garburator by grinding ice cubes and when it needs a little freshening, just grind some lemon peels. Avoid stringing or starchy products such as celery, Taber corn husks and potato peels. Of course, you should read your maintenance manual.

Pipe Insulation

Insulate those pipes before it gets cold! When temperatures are at or below freezing, running a steady drop of hot and cold water from your faucets may keep your pipes from freezing. If your pipes are not insulated, they can freeze even with a small flow of water, so insulate. For mobile homes use heat tape to save on your water bill.